STATEMENT: Rockland Dems Respond to Rep. Lawler’s undignified humor
STATEMENT: Rockland Dems Respond to Rep. Lawler’s undignified humor

STATEMENT: Rockland Dems Respond to Rep. Lawler’s undignified humor

Hudson Valley residents deserve better than Mike Lawler’s undignified attempts at humor
which only serves to target his “enemies” and raise campaign dollars

ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY – GOP Congressman Mike Lawler delivered the Republican rebuttal for the NYS Legislative Correspondents’ Association Dinner. His rebuttal was delivered through a crude Daily Show parody video, which he has subsequently used to fundraise from.

In the video, Rep. Lawler called Democrats and a local journalist his “enemies,” and repeated white nationalist rhetoric about immigrant “invasions”.

Everyday constituents and voters of NY-17 weren’t laughing. Since day one of the 2022 congressional campaign, Mike Lawler has shown time and again that he needs to be more serious about the weight of the office he holds.

Instead of fighting for his constituents, he’s chosen instead to fight with them. Whether it was to threaten an ordinary constituent’s employer even after he won his race in 2022, ban press coverage because he was afraid of criticism, or mock Gold Star families — Lawler runs his office as someone more comfortable engaging in the pettiness of hyperpartisan local politics.

He claims to be a “voice of sanity in a sea of chaos,” however, Mike Lawler is not the arbiter of sanity. His record reflects a kind of political insanity where he continually denies being on the MAGA right-wing of his party, despite saying he will vote for Trump and working to elect him in 2016 and 2020; he continually denies he would support a national abortion ban despite voting for Speaker Mike Johnson, the biggest proponent of such legislation; and he follows Trump’s lead by not supporting bipartisan immigration legislation, instead supporting fringe right-wing proposals.

We deserve better than this. Congress is our highest legislature in the land. We deserve representatives who spend their time passing smart federal policy that serves all constituents.

That’s why we’re standing with Mondaire Jones for Congress. NY-17 deserves nothing less.